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PostWysłany: Nie 18:52, 20 Lut 2011    Temat postu: goedkope uggs SAR image window exterior orientatio

SAR image window exterior orientation elements of the initial line Solution

theelementsofesteriororientationofirna ~ ewindowhaeenanalysed. Apracticalmethodbyuseofephemerisdatatoworkoutexteriororientationelementsoffirstlineispro ~ ea, whichhaeenprovedbytheresultsofexperiment. Keyw0rdsSARirna ~ ewindowPyramid) aceresectionAnJytj First Author: Ni Xiuping Male July 1988 graduated from the PLA, Zhengzhou Institute of Surveying and Mapping, Department of aerial photography and remote sensing. Bachelor's degree in August 1995 studied at the Graduate School of Surveying and Mapping, Zhengzhou People's Liberation Army Training Center. Research direction is to space photogrammetry and remote sensing. Editor's Note application of research results from a large number of remote sensing point of view, has been fully proved quick access to remote sensing is an objective means of spatial information technology. In the national economy has been widely used in various fields, some have achieved significant economic and social benefits, such as weather forecasting, flood and drought situation monitoring, resource and environment research. Even in the area of compensation,goedkope uggs, such as power plant emissions of pollution compensation cases, water treatment, also used remote sensing data, but it should be noted. Promote the use of remote sensing technology has a number of obstacles still exist: 1. Although it has been recognized in a timely and correct decisions and a reasonable development and construction planning are likely to bring substantial economic and social benefits. And correct decision-making and reasonable regulation is split on the natural, economic status and control information, scientific analysis inseparable. Access to this information. Especially some of timeliness of information particularly strong non-remote sensing can not be obtained. And economic benefits than the cost of access to information by remote sensing is much greater, but many localities and departments still do not want to spend some funds to do a bit of remote sensing investigation. Can not say that they do not want to make the right decisions and do not want to be a reasonable planning and construction. But they do not have the status of information, but with a number of fragmented and outdated credit information (or even wrong information) or subjective decision making wishes, so that construction will inevitably adversely affect the economy. 2. Some remote sensing survey has been carried out in areas or projects, the survey results have not been fully utilized. Well known. Tan environment of any investigation or monitoring of credit information obtained is for economic development,mbt shoes sale, land improvement, disaster prevention base decision-making and planning services. If its investigation of the information in the planning and management decisions can not be applied. Is not possible to survey results into real economic and social benefits. And thus not nearly as good as a rejection of remote sensing to obtain information. Indeed,louis vuitton outlet, a number of remote sensing information due to some interference factors. Coupled with awareness of the extent of the inconsistency. Resulting in some surveys there are some differences in the results. But this should not be reluctant reason for application of remote sensing survey results. On the other hand we should also see some of the credibility of remote sensing information is still quite high, so long as the other investigations with appropriate means (such as ground verification), can quickly obtain accurate information of all kinds. Such as the use of remote sensing and ground surveys carried out by the appropriate mudslides, landslides shall check the reliability is higher, in 1987 a Department of Geology and Mineral l990 aircraft by remote center of the Survey Now for treatment. Carried out in Beijing in 1983, debris flow prone areas investigated, but also has occurred after some of the debris flow disasters confirmed. Remote sensing survey in Beijing, also caused garbage government attaches great importance, thus making the large-scale sanitation treatment plant to the outer suburbs transfer of decision-making, and developed a new waste transfer site and safe disposal site layout planning. Another overcast Montenegro Zhai Xiang suitable habitat under the chestnut remote sensing survey results, re-planning and expansion of the chestnut cultivation plan. l0 years,ghd australia, Montenegro has undergone significant changes Zhai Xiang, chestnut planting area to 20,000 acres, the per capita income of 293 yuan from 1983. 1995 to 1882 yuan (cited Bai Zhuang Fenggan, Chen Shupeng editor of the 'Satellite Remote Sensing and government decision-making)). Seen. As long as the emphasis on application. Will be able to achieve significant social and economic benefits. In view of this, our journal to promote the further application of remote sensing, remote sensing applications to be organized a group of publicity effect (specific economic, social) of the article, welcome to carry out remote sensing survey over the areas and units will investigate the application of the results and access to social written into a short economic situation, give me s benefits.

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