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PostWysłany: Wto 9:41, 01 Mar 2011    Temat postu: 由美发换秃

深圳一女子到美发中心做负离子电发,岂料三天后,吕开始出现脱发现象,发质严重受损,一头青丝不断脱落,cheap pink ghd,最后甚至变成了秃头.前往美发中心查询,ghd colours,负责人仅回覆说:"到医院打一针就好了."翌日,ghd mk4 hair straightener,她到宝安区人民医院检查,医生检查后称,电发药水严重损坏了发根,需要多长时间长出头发,则难以判断.她随即联络美发中心负责人,glossy black ghd,就治疗及赔偿问题进行交涉,却遭拒绝.
虽然吕小姐已在消协的帮助下与美发中心就赔偿问题达成协议书.但是成秃头的事实再所难免,limited edition pure ghd,一头美丽的秀发仅得到赔偿就算了事?美容美发行业的服务质量真是让人堪忧.而他们所美丽出来的"杰作"也是让人瞠目结舌.而美发变秃发类似的负面例子确是在报纸媒体上屡见不鲜.
我国美容美发行业得到迅猛发展,许多无营业执照,资质欠缺的一些美容美体机构鱼龙混杂在该行业,而相关的服务投诉也不断增加.一些美容美发店打着国际品牌美发的招牌来吸引消费者.往往,在店内从用令人费解的英文包装店名,ghd iv styler limited edition styling set,到使用一些洋品牌的产品,ghd salon styler,从美容、美发师的国际比赛获奖证书到店铺"国际连锁"的经营模式hh而类似这样的美容美发机构随处可见.这一切似乎都有理由让消费者相信,这样的美容美发机构在走国际化的高端服务路线.
Create the Goddess styles for yourself with ghd mark 4 styler and be as well groomed as you are well versed. You also can even curl with it. Do whatever you want with this handy styler. You can choose the new 2010 pink ghd,ghd black styler, ghd color collection, precious ghd,pink ghd, purple ghd, pure or dark limited edition, or black,ghd rare straightener, hot pink,ghd hair straightener, kiss pink,ghd rare styler, gold,hot pink ghd, even or the "rare" which comes in a leopard print case.

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