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PostWysłany: Sob 22:55, 13 Lis 2010    Temat postu: 韩过最热发

韩国最热发型,ghd iv
2,休闲时尚马尾辫:韩国的女生都很会使用发饰,一个看似松散凌乱,毫无造型的发型,ghd purple,一旦配上适合的头饰,即可化腐朽为神奇!这款时尚大方的马尾辫,是韩式发型一向的风格,都是绑得松松散散的,ghd australia。松编扎在头顶位置,切忌绑得过于紧实,这样会让休闲感消失哦。重点是适当配上头饰,如现在流行的蝴蝶结,ghd dark,马尾辫会马上变得时尚起来。
3,甜美田园编发:编发也是韩国女生的最爱,ghd hair straightener,她们各式各样的编发样式得到国内MM的追捧,纷纷都学了起来。太难的我们大概一时半刻学不会,但是这款最简单的三股辫我们随时都可以做得到。如果你的刘海足够长的话,就在头顶位置开始,斜斜地编到额头一侧,ghd cheap,这种自然感的编发很有田园的气息,ghd pure,甜美、俏皮。
4,微波浪复古发:复古风在韩国也非常的受宠,比起日系的甜美和欧美的中性,韩国的复古发型会给人冷冷的女王感觉,pink hair straightener。发型强调丰厚的质感和整齐规律的弯曲,这是与不久前流行的波浪卷感觉完全不同的“波浪”,幅度小、卷度连绵的发丝,披散脸型两侧,还有瘦脸的效果,ghd gold。这款发型打造时要注意,发卷不能过于蓬松,要柔顺整齐地垂落下来,这样才能百分之百地发挥这款发型的魅力,hair color。
5,气质OL短卷发:齐刘海配直发仿佛有种永远都摆脱不了的稚气,ghd purple gift set,已经进入职场的人都会以偏分代替了。可是齐刘海直短发用电卷棒稍加处理就会有不一样的感觉,让你摆脱稚气,看上去更专业,也让别人看不出你的年龄!打理起来方便,只要自己用电棒稍稍把发尾内卷,ghd precious gift set,打造出包覆感,头发不够多的还可以用梳子倒刮一下后脑勺里面的头发,ghd salon styler,这样脑后的头发就立刻丰满起来了。
ghd IV Styler Technical Features:
Advance Ceramic Heaters: ghd Styler 4 comes with ultimate surface for the static free sheen
New Rounder Barrel: For perfect curl,ghd straighteners, waves or flicks, as well as the perfect straight, the rounder barrel of straightening iron Styler 4 gives your friend ultimate control. Its so easy to create waves, curls and flicks that your friend'll never need the same look twice.
Unique digital technology: Improved temperature control for even better styling, feel more confident with ghd Styler 4
Shiver mode: Internal condensation can damage beauty stylers. So when the room temperature is below 8deg.C, your ghd beauty styler will shut down to protect itself until the temperature rises again.
Swivel cord attachment: Swivel cord attachmens stylest of ghd Styler Mark 4 helps stop the cord from becoming twisted.
Floating Plates: Floating plates in ghd ensures even pressure distribution.

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